United Jewish School
בית ספר ביחד

Creating a community, developing Jewish identity, practicing Jewish values, & examining our history—equipping this next generation of Jews to be leaders.

Who we are

In 2006, Temple Emanuel and Ahavas Israel combined to create the United Jewish School.  One of the goals of this collaboration was to create an environment that brings together both Conservative and Reform traditions. This includes a pluralist T’fillah program embedded into every Sunday morning. 

At the United Jewish School, we are creating a community. Students develop their Jewish identity, not just through learning from our teachers, but learning from each other. We practice Jewish values, such as Hachnasat Orchim (Welcoming Guests), Tzedakah (Giving to Help Others), Ometz Lev (Courage of the Heart), Eretz Yisrael (learning about The Land of Israel), and so much more. Our Jewish values and Jewish identity are strengthened by studying Torah, learning about the sacred language of Hebrew, learning how to pray, and examining our history. We are equipping this next generation of Jews to be leaders of not just the Jewish community of Grand Rapids, but around the world.Last year, enrollment was approximately 95 students ranging from Gan Katan (2 to 4 years-old) to 10th grade. This year, we have a staff of about 20 teachers and high school madrichim (aides).

Sunday classes, located at Temple Emanuel, are held from 9:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. The Mitzvah Core (9-12th grades) meets Sundays from 12:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m.  All classes are at Temple Emanuel.

Mitzvah Core puts up our indoor Sukkah at UJS

United Jewish School’s mission

  • Creating a positive Jewish identity among our students.
  • Prepare our students to be lifelong participants in the Jewish community through a study and practice of Hebrew,  Jewish history, Jewish holidays, Jewish texts, and other Judaic topics.
  • Building a cross-congregation Jewish community between our students, their families and our two congregations.

all about our program

UJS is a combined supplemental religious school serving the Reform congregation of Temple Emanuel and the conservative congregation of Ahavas Israel in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We enroll students from Gan Katan (ages 2-4) through 12th grade. Students attend school on Sunday mornings for Judaic and Hebrew learning. Starting in 3rd grade, we also offer supplemental Hebrew classes in addition to the Hebrew offered during the Sunday morning program. This year, the supplemental Hebrew program will be offered online only, with a special curriculum designed for online learning. 
New this year! Mitzvah Core, where our high school teenagers will explore Jewish education through charitable service projects, leadership opportunities, community building, exploring creative ways to experience Jewish life, and deep conversation in Jewish values and philosophy.

diversity and inclusion

We recognize that Jewish spaces in the USA have much to accomplish in this arena. We are doing that work and welcome your honest feedback and support in this area.

Diversity is a core-value at UJS. We welcome students, parents, volunteers, and staff of every race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, family arrangement, and physical ability.

Cantor and Madrich Jacob lead Gan Katan in Music

Make a Donation

Thank you for supporting our United Jewish School. Your contribution will help shape the future of our Students.  We can’t do this without you.

Use the button below to make an online contribution. If you would like to donate via check, contact us.