UJS update 1-7-22

Dear parents,

Happy 2022! Shanah Ezrachit Tovah!
I am so delighted that we are resuming classes at the United Jewish School this Sunday!  We have an exciting semester planned, with Israeli Dance with Miriam, Jewish Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation with Corey, Art with Deet and John, and much more! 
We’ll start the year off with Tu BiShvat! We have partnered with the Jewish National Fund to help us celebrate Tu BiShvat in an innovative way. We are raising money to plant trees in Israel. We are hoping to have the JNF plant trees in the name of the United Jewish School of Grand Rapids, MI. Would that be cool?! Feel free to send money with your child to school. If you go to our page here,  you can see how easy it is to donate money online. If you do donate online, let me know.  (I am going to have a little fun competition with all the classes to see how much kids can donate.) $18 would be fantastic, as that is a mystical Jewish number – but any amount will still be fantastic. I have attached a letter here that should explain this in greater detail.
This Sunday, I will also be introducing a book called The Rabbi and the Reverend, which tells the story of the incredible friendship between Rabbi Joachim Prinz and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Martin Luther King Day is January 17th.

Please consider any of these opportunities for adult learning at Temple Emanuel:

Lead by Rabbi Krishef, The Foundations for a Thoughtful Judaism program is designed to engage and provoke you to think seriously about the big questions at the heart of Jewish tradition. This Sunday, we’re continuing a completely new unit on Understanding Faith. Try it out!


  • Sundays, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. at Temple Emanuel (go down the school hallway to the second room from the end on the left side)

Class topics (subject to change)

  • January 9 UNDERSTANDING FAITH – Faith and Knowledge

If you would like to attend, please let Rabbi Krishef know — Rabbi@ahavasisraelgr.org


Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbat,
Cantor David Fair
Cantor David Fair
Cantor Educator of the United Jewish School of Grand Rapids
1715 Fulton St E, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 591-1007 (School office)
616-591-1010 (Cantor’s private line)
It’s never too late to enroll your children in our school! Please go to https://www.unitedjewishschool.org/ and click on “Registration 2021-2022.”
*Please note that my office hours are Sundays from 9-12, and Tuesday-Friday 9-3pm.

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